WordPress will not let me do anything. Tells me I have no access

  • I have been trying to update my website. When I try to add something I get a box on a new screen that says ‘Cheatin’ uh? Sorry, you are not allowed to access this site’. I’m not exactly sure how to get access to my own site. Can someone help?

  • What is the URL of the site?

  • Hi there,

    That message typically means you’re either logged into an account that is not a user on the site at all, or trying to access a link you don’t have permissions for, e.g. an editor account trying to access a page only available for admins.

    The account you’re using to post here is only 11 hours old (it was created minutes before you posted this forum thread) and does not own any sites on WordPress.com, so it’s almost certainly the first option. If you give us the address of the site you’re trying to update, I might be able to point you in the right direction.

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