WordPress Stats Just turned Dark Purple

  • Hello, I am WordPress user. I have blogged for around 2 years…. Is it normal for the bars to turn purple when hovered over.

    I mean normally they are orange and blue. Mine turned dark blue and purple. Is there any specific reason. Please also tell me my websites total visits if possible?

    Thank You

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    We just recently introduced a new color scheme for WordPress.com. You can read more about it here:

    Customize Your WordPress.com Dashboard

    If you want to change to a more “classic” look, you can go to your Account’s Settings page and select a different one.

  • @biodata2017 This FORCED change cannot be reverted as when you select Classic Blue in the settings it is not the same as it was, but sadly the “designers” do not seem to have communicated this to the support guys. In the current day stats is not orange and the whole thing looks depressingly dull and gray.

    The “designers” should have offered this change as an option and not force it, there are a lot of people who do not like this change, just read there blog entry comments.

  • @rewsteruk

    The new colors have been designed to improve the accessibility of WordPress.com. These changes make content easier to see and read for people with vision impairments. This update also introduces the ability to customize your dashboard with different color schemes that are coming soon.

    Classic Blue is not the same as the original color scheme, and @fstat did not claim that in is in his reply above. The original color scheme has been removed because it did not adhere to accessibility standards, and the Classic Blue color scheme, while similar, has been redesigned to improve on the accessibility of the original, while being a less drastic change than the new default Classic Bright color scheme.

    The orange highlight color has not been included in either color scheme, but we might bring it back in either Classic Blue or in one of the new color schemes that will still be introduced going forward, as there has been many requests for it.

  • Orange was very visible and just fine. I don’t understand why it couldn’t have been left in as an option. Sometimes I believe people in charge of making these decisions think too much and don’t exercise enough common sense.

  • @kokkieh

    I think the users allegedly requesting accessibility features did not expect you to add it as the default theme. I would not expect to switch on a Windows 10 computer and have High Contrast and Narrator switched on by default, it would be an option when the machine is set up.

    The dashboard part of the blog is private so I already know the level of accessibility I need for myself, so why did the default theme need to be changed for everyone?

    “The original color scheme has been removed because it did not adhere to accessibility standards”, where are these standards listed?, according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Content_Accessibility_Guidelines, Guideline 2: Don’t rely on colour alone, this change is only the colours and I am sure a screen reader and built in high contrast would still work.

    This is the problem with WordPress.com things are changed with little or no notice. I have already had this issue in October 2018 when readers of my blog could not download my files, it was a change in the backend systems. I could still upload the same file, but could not download it.

  • When you say “contrast ratio” do you mean the contrast between white text and the colored background? I do not have a visual impairment (except nearsightedness) but I find the new scheme much harder to read. The brightness of the background distracts from the text and also hurts the eyes over time. The graphs in stats are much harder to read because there is not ENOUGH contrast between the bar for viewers within the bar for views.

    OK, I tried switching to “Classic Blue.” That gets rid of dark icky pink, but now all the bars are dark blue with no contrast at all.

    It is hard to believe that this is easier to read for anybody.

  • Agree. If one of the themes had to be changed it should’ve been Classic Blue. It has way less contrast than Orange.

  • Just noting that there’s now been quite a bit of orange added to the Classic Blue colour scheme. :)

  • Thanks for the heads up. It’s almost brown, not orange like before. I’m getting used to the pink, I’ll just live with it until they get more color themes. It’s only color, not worth stressing over. lol

  • Glad to see that the unlimited budget given to development is going toward the REALLY important stuff! I mean, where would we be in 2019 if we were stuck with the color scheme that worked PERFECTLY well in 2017? The horror!

    Little things like improving the functionality are SO 20th Century! It is all about how we feel, and the colors make us feel better than we did in 2018!

  • Glad to know I’m not the only one wondering where the brains were that decided on this.

    What is wrong with leaving something alone that works? First the stinking editor and now the color schemes?

    Wordpress, you’re NOT facebook, stop acting like it…

  • Yeah, but they did just add orange to Classic Blue. It’s not quite like before, but it is ok. It is way better than the Classic Bright with the astonishing pink.

    That was pretty responsive, in my view.

  • Thankful that they frakked up something that was working just fine and then frakked up a little less when we yelled at them?

    That’s one of the definitions of being in an abusive relationship, from the bad end…

  • I hate the pink, but I hate the fact I can’t see tags as I add them much more. I’m typing in white space, and seeing white (read: invisible) tags.

    I wish people would stop fixing things until they’re broken.

  • It looks like they may have tweaked the pink; it doesn’t quite as garish. I may just be getting used to it but it doesn’t seem as bad as it did at first.

  • I just read the “accessibility comment.” That makes more sense because they are REALLY trying to pull their fat out of the fire.

    Their new, super-duper, extra-special (You’re gonna LOVE it REALLY, not that you will have a choice eventually) is NOT amenable to accessibility features. And the last post I saw on the subject was, basically that it wasn’t included in the design (there was apparently no requirements document, or if there was, no one reviewed it) and now that our new Super-duper… editor is done, there is no way to just slap accessibility on it as an after-thought.

    The first time I worked with someone who had “accessibility” software on his PC was in 1991. To think that there are programmers in 2019 (or 2018 or whenever the super-duper editor was envisioned) didn’t know that accessibility features are a thing, really surprises me. (No, not really, at this point I would believe just about anything could come out of WP development.)

  • @sonyanheaney

    I hate the pink, but I hate the fact I can’t see tags as I add them much more. I’m typing in white space, and seeing white (read: invisible) tags.

    Invisible text definitely sounds like a bug. I’ve tested writing tags though and I’m not running into any issues. If you’re still experiencing this, can you please clarify where you’re writing the post (eg. Gutenberg on wp-admin, the Classic Editor, Calypso) and the colour scheme you’re using?

  • @sonyanheaney can you send more info on that?

    Everyone else: the announcement post did mention more color schemes are coming. We’ll mention y’all like the classic bright blue, too. Thanks!

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