WordPress site fails to load css on first time load in safari

  • We have an ecommerce website using a SSO from another application that loads just fine across all browsers except on Safari.

    In Safari the first time the page is loaded it is unable to render the CSS, this specially happens in cases of a freshly cache cleared load, that always shows the page without any CSS and only the DOM.
    As soon as we refresh the page, then the CSS loads up and site looks/works fine. This state then is not replicated till we clear the cache and try again but keeps reoccuring every now and then when the session or cache expires.

    We have tried CSS preloading, disabling browser/page level caching yet the issue is persistent and readily replicable in safari web browser specially more so in mobile devices.

    Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi there,

    Please provide us with the URL of the website you’re referring to so that we can point you in the right direction.

    Thank You! :)

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