WordPress Reader: Website Directory and Search Optimization

  • I am curious on whether it is possible to optimize my searches for blogs and websites related to specific topics. Not in the sense that I would like to optimize web searches on Search Engines. That is not exactly what I am trying to ask here.

    Basically, it would be helpful if there was a Directory for me to navigate searches for websites and blogs on WordPress Reader. If there is none to speak of, I would like to know if there are ways for me to better optimize my searches on WordPress Reader.

    Does anyone know if there is a Directory or have a link to a help page where I can figure out how to optimize searches on WordPress Reader?

    Any help will be appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It sounds like you’re thinking of Topics in the reader:

    There’s not really an optimization for that. Just use the most relevant tags and categories: a few that are moderately broad, and a few that are more specific but still something people actually post in. For example, if I’m blogging about allergy-friendly recipes:

    Way too broad, but it might be a fine category for my site:

    Still too broad, but again, perhaps relevant for my site:

    Broad but maybe more likely to be noticed:

    The sweet spot:

    Probably too specific; makes a better title or section in the text:

    Make sense? Check the topics you want to use. Note how many posts per hour there are. You’ll note some of those topics have A LOT of posts just minutes apart; some have a few posts a day, and some might not even exist yet.

    Try to aim for visible but not buried by everyone else :)

    Beyond that, just don’t use more than 10-15 topics at a time (Tags+categories in a post, including any parent & subcategories), use great images, titles, and intro text, etc.

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