wordpress publish edit image upload slow down 500 internal errors

  • It was my understanding, although I could be wrong, that by adding new servers the response time for publishing and editing, image uploads, etc. would be reduced. That’s why I’m puzzled because since last Friday I have been experiencing just the opposite. I’m wondering why this is. Is this something that’s affecting only myself or or is it wider spread? Perhaps some “big” work being done on the system or …?

  • Computers are fishy. I’m still trying to figure out how 10,000 files got dumped on my computer when I didn’t even download anything. And this is a new computer. :(

  • Just to update: I’ve been getting the 500 Internal Error, and also publish times of around 60 seconds (worst was 88 seconds), and quite often the post is not published but saved as a draft–once a post was saved as TWO drafts. No images, in this case: just very slow and erratic performance with regular posts.

    I know you guys are working on it, but thought it important to provide feedback on how it looks from here.

  • Slowness results to a system upgrade, I think the team are going to install the goggle widget anytime soon. Nah, I’m just hoping. But it is really slow, stagnant & making me sad.

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