WordPress.org site showing on WordPress.com?!

  • A long time ago I created an account on WordPress.com but never built a website there. Instead I ended up creating a self-hosted site on WordPress.org.

    Now I’m noticing that the WordPress.com account is somehow linked to the WordPress.org site as it shows stats, links to posts, etc. I don’t understand because I thought those were independent platforms…

    The reason this is bugging me is because I’m now thinking of closing my WordPress.org site and moving the contents to WordPress.com, and I would like to start from a clean slate.

    Should I just create a brand new WordPress.com account to avoid getting things all tangled up? Or is there a way to unlink my WordPress.org site from my current WordPress.com account?


    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there! As a WordPress.com volunteer, I’m here to help clarify any confusion you have about Jetpack and its functionality on your self-hosted WordPress site.

    Jetpack is indeed a powerful plugin designed by Automattic, the same company behind WordPress.com. It’s essential to understand that Jetpack serves as a bridge between your self-hosted WordPress site and the features available on WordPress.com. By installing and activating Jetpack on your site, you gain access to a wide array of additional tools and functionalities.

    One of the fantastic features Jetpack offers is the ability to display site stats directly within your WordPress dashboard. This enables you to track valuable insights about your website’s visitors, views, popular content, and more. It’s a convenient way to keep an eye on your site’s performance without needing to visit a separate analytics platform.

    If you already have a self-hosted WordPress site and want to move it to WordPress.com without creating a new account, you can do so by transferring your domain and then migrating the entire data. No need to worry about making a new account for this process.

    Additionally, if you require detailed information or personalized assistance regarding the migration process to WordPress.com, I recommend reaching out to our dedicated staff directly. They are experts in handling migrations and can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date guidance for your specific needs.

    To get in touch with our knowledgeable support team, please use the following link: https://wordpress.com/help/contact. They will be more than happy to assist you throughout the migration process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure that your transition to WordPress.com is as smooth as possible.

  • Hi there!

    You can connect a self-hosted WordPress.org site to a WordPress.com account using the Jetpack plugin. It brings many WordPress.com features — such as stats, social sharing tools, etc. — to self-hosted WordPress.org sites. You can check out the Jetpack features here: https://jetpack.com/

    Now, I understand you’re interested in migrating your site to WordPress.com. Could you tell us a bit about this? If you’re migrating your content from the self-hosted WordPress.org site, you’re technically not starting from a clean slate, as you’ll already have content. So I’m curious to learn more about your plans going forward with the site.

    Also, we’ve made it super easy to migrate an entire WordPress.org site to WordPress.com. You can check out the instructions here:

    Import a Site » Import an Entire WordPress Site
    3 min read
    If you have a website built with WordPress on another hosting provider, generally referred to as a self-hosted WordPress.org site, and want to move it to WordPress.com, use our Import Everything option. The Import Everything option will copy your existing self-hosted WordPress site to your new WordPress.com site, including your content, media, plugins, and the theme. Prerequisites A W

    Feel free to follow the instructions above and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks! :)

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