WordPress Not Loading

  • Hi,

    I’m trying to make a new post on my site and WordPress doesn’t seem to be loading. I’ve checked my internet connection and it isn’t an issue. I’ve recently renewed my subscription so everything should be up to standard. Is there an issue with WordPress at the moment? Or is there an issue with my account?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    You site at: https://theatrethoughtsaus.online/ is up and running from my end here.

    Going forward, you can also check if your site is online or offline using the Isitdownrightnow.com direct web link to your site here: https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/theatrethoughtsaus.online.html

    One of the reasons why your site may be down where you are could be the fact that it is a new site and the DNS has not fully propagated. If this is the case, please be informed that it may take up to 24 hours (more or less) depending on your internet service provider. Most times, in just a few minutes after hosting, your DNS would have fully propagated.

    I hope you find the information above useful.

    Kindest regards.

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