WordPress Incredibly Slow

  • Hi, ever since I updated to version 5.3.2 my entire WordPress dashboard + my personal website have been incredibly sluggish. Even my account on wordpress.com won’t load. It takes minutes before anything happens. It’s so bad that when I edit a post or a draft, I can’t save, preview or publish because the connection is perpetually lost.

    I’m not savvy with the technical stuff. I’ve tried deactivating all my plugins but the problem persists (it takes more than a minute just to delete a plugin). I’m not sure what’s causing it or why. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • Hi @zackeration, sorry, that sound terrible. Can you check with your host to get some slow query logs started? Perhaps they’ll be able to help you get to the bottom of this.

    If you need more help, you’ll want to use the correct forums for self-managed installations, at https://wordpress.org/support/forums/

    Or, you’d be welcome to migrate your site to our services. You can find our pricing here:


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