WordPress importer stripping CSS/Links

  • I’ve searched all over the forums and the FAQ, but found nothing for my issues. First, I just imported my posts and comments from from my Blogger account. When I went to my WordPress blog, I noticed that WordPress stripped out all of my CSS sstyle editing for photos that I had within my Blogger posts. Why is that and how can I get it back? Also, a posts that I made on my Blogger account linked to an MP3 player that I designed in Flash to let readers listen to songs has been stripped from the post as well. The MP3 player is owned by me and is stored on server space that I own. Why dows WordPress strip items like that and how can I get it back?

  • WordPress.com has tighter security than self-hosted WordPress blogs. We strip out anything that could be used by a malicious user to steal your cookies and gain access to your account. That includes CSS and embedded objects such as Flash.

    The only way to host your own Flash objects and CSS is to host your own WordPress site. There are plenty of good hosts to choose from!

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