WordPress default gallery, HELP- only thumbnails are indexed by google.

  • Hey guys, i upload a lot of images on a single page, recently i started using the default gallery option of wordpress media; ( linked to -media file; size- thumbnail; ), this really made the images look very clean and organised, decreased the load time as only thubmnails were loaded and if anyone wants to open the full images, directly click and see the wp-content/uploads/image-name.jpg
    All seemed great, but i noticed google is indexing only the thumbnails and not the full size original image. Please help, now i am forced to choose gallery images SIZE as FULL SIZE instead of thumbnail, this is making the image look unorganised and had increased the page size as well. What do i do?
    E.g. :https://www.gofitandhealthy DOT com/penelope-cruz-diet-plan-weight/
    have chosen size as thumbnail on this page.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The blog i need help with is http://www.gofitandhealthy .com

  • Hi,

    I think this is the result of your “Link to” choice for that gallery. My guess is that your gallery images are not linked to anthing, and that results in a default to a thumbnail image at Google images. See the top part of item #7 of the Adding a Gallery or Slideshow section of the Galleries and Slideshows support page, which begins:

    You can select the Edit tab to remove images, drag them to a different place to change the order, or add a captions. You can also edit the following options, which will be available based on the currently chosen layout:

    • Link to: Does not apply to slideshows.
      • Attachment Page: A specialized page in your blog that shows the image in your selected theme.
      • Media File: A direct link to the full-size uploaded image.

    There’s actually a third attachment option not mentioned there, the option “None,” which, if selected, would produce the effect you’ve described. Choosing either of the other two attachment options would eliminate the tiny thumbnails. The “Attachment Page” option is the one which will produce a full size image when a gallery image is clicked on. Selecting the”Media File” option will result in a clicked on gallery image displaying in a carousel, not necessarily at full-size, but with a link below the carousel image to the full-size image.

  • thanks for your reply but you completely mistook the query.
    I had explicitly mentioned that I am choosing ‘link to-media’, and when someone clicks on the thumbnail a full-size image gets opened i.e. the real media file opens up. But Google is only indexing the thumbnail because I have chosen ‘display as- thumbnail’. When i choose ‘display as FULL SIZE’, only then google is indexing the full image. But mind you link to is a separate thing which remains ‘link to media’ in both the case. You did not answer what i asked, rather completely created a confusion.
    Actually, when ‘display as thumbnail’ is chosen and we right-click on the image and select ‘open image in a new tab’, then thumbnail file gets opened.
    Whereas, when ‘display as full size’ is chosen and we right-click on it and select ‘open image in a new tab’, then only full-size image gets opened.
    In both cases ‘link to media’ is selected by default, so please don’t talk about it.
    Open this link and see the gallery of Penelope Cruz images:
    https://www.gofitandhealthy. com/penelope-cruz-diet-plan-weight/


  • I had explicitly mentioned that I am choosing ‘link to-media’, and when someone clicks on the thumbnail a full-size image gets opened i.e. the real media file opens up.

    You’re right, I messed up on that. In fact I had already found the cited page with the gallery of Penelope Cruz images and had opened each one of them up. So I knew they were attached to media, but evidently became confused momentarily. Sorry about that. ; (

    I’ll tag the topic for staff attention. Staff will respond here.


  • Name Servers

    Hello there, there’s no content on yuvrajranga.wordpress.com and it looks like gofitandhealthy.com is using name servers that aren’t associated with WordPressdotcom (where we are ).

    Just to clarify, this support forum assists users of the WordPressdotcom platform and the guidance provided here may not be relevant to standalone WordPress.org sites hosted with an external hosting provider (e.g. Bluehost, GoDaddy, etc.). For more information on the differences: https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

    The Codex entry for the Gallery feature can be found at https://codex.wordpress.org/The_WordPress_Gallery and the best place to get help with your above question is at https://wordpress.org/support where they likely have more experience with the type of issue you are having. Cheers.

  • The topic ‘WordPress default gallery, HELP- only thumbnails are indexed by google.’ is closed to new replies.