WordPress confusion

  • I have a WordPress.org account with a blog setup but I’m unsure as to why I have this account. I’m trying to use my Gravatar on my blog and it won’t allow me and I’m assuming it’s because I have this account which I don’t even use so I’m completely confused right now.

  • Hi shannonready,

    Your Gravatar is connected to your email account. You can use your Gravatar in multiple accounts without issue. That’s what it is for, a universal online presence. If the Gravatar is working how you like right now in this account, simply look at the email on file in your account here and then switch your email attached to your profile on your other WordPress website and your Gravatar should pop up.

    You may be using your account here on WordPress.com for something other than your blog, … maybe JetPack? or WooCommerce? (If you have a free account it doen’t hurt to keep it. If you delete it, you won’t be able to get it back.)

    Hope this helps!

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