WordPress.com Subscription Payment Issue: Please Resolve Quickly

  • Dear WordPress.com Support Team,

    I am writing to request a solution to a payment issue I have been experiencing for the last several days. I have tried to pay for my WordPress.com subscription using Inter national card and Google Pay, but all payments have failed.

    I have contacted my bank and confirmed that international payments and all other services are operational. I have also tried using different browsers and devices, but all attempts to pay have been unsuccessful.

    I am very frustrated by this issue, as I am eager to continue using your services. I would appreciate it if you could please investigate this matter and provide me with a solution as soon as possible.

    If there is another payment option available, please let me know. I am willing to try anything to get my subscription back up and running.

    Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

    Dr Vishal Anand

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    I do not see anything blocking purchases on your account and indeed, I’m seeing a purchased made today, 11/5/23. So it looks like this was solved? If not, please let us know!

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