WordPress.com Premium Subscription and Recover brand subdomain

  • hello WordPress community. I have 2 big questions and help needed.

    (1) I have trying to move from google blogger to Everyone Beloved WordPress. so for the preparation, I have brought my own domain name (Tvhex. com) from namecheap. Now Yesterday I tried to registered my brand domain name on wordpress.com subdomain as (tvhex.wordpress.com). But i couldn’t get it done. So check out this subdomain and it was already someone grabbed it or HIjacked ( subdomain blog is completely blank) . Now it’s Really hard to Launch my branded domain in wordprees.com premium plans. Without having my original brands subdomain which is ( tvhex.wordpress.com ). Even when i have my direct tvhex.com domain at hand, i can’t stopped worrying that my business may have in negativity.

    That’s Why i am asking wordpress.com company to provide my brand WordPress subdomain. So i can start working on my site migration.

    (2) WordPress.com Premium Plan which Subscription Cost US$96 per year. I want to know if i can get AdSense Approval from this package?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Wordpress.com never hands over sites and wordpress.com domains on demand. Nor is it possible to reveal any information regarding the owner of a site. The only thing you could try is to contact the owner of that site using a contact form on that site.
    But I see you succefully registered https://tvhexcom.wordpress.com/.
    If you want to use Adsense on the wordpress.com platform, you must upgrade to the Business Plan. On the premium Plan, you can apply for WordAds, https://wordpress.com/support/monetize-your-site/#advertising

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