
  • I understood WordPress.com was a free service . I’ve been using it for some time. Just recently I find I’m asked to go to my account where I’m offered a set of options to pay for services – which I don’t want. Have I been transferred to WordPress.org by mistake? Can you explain please?

  • Hi there:

    While you can use WordPress.com for free, we do have paid options that give you more features like a custom domain name, ability to customize your site, and more. We do show these things to our users so they’re aware of what more they can do with their site, but you’re never under an obligation to pay for WordPress.com unless you want those extra features.

    You can see the different plan options here to see what you would have on a paid plan:


    It looks like you may have clicked on a feature that requires a paid plan which is why you have a Personal subscription in your shopping cart. If you don’t want this upgrade, click the trash can icon next to the upgrade to remove it from your cart.

    I hope that clarifies things!

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