WordPress capability

  • Hello Friends.

    1-I notice recently that business subscription can make you able to upload them what i need to know here is can i upload a theme i purchase from Envato market for example?

    2- what are wordpress.com websites capability when it comes to traffic, for example, can my website handle a high volume of traffic every day something like 3 million visits?

    3- the business plan comes with unlimited storage i’m thinking about starting a website people can share their videos and photos on it, so is there any restrictions on using the offer web space or it’s ok i can use as much as i want?


  • To make sure staff see your thread amongst the hundreds posted each day you need to add modlook to the tag box on the right. I’ve done that. But this week there are less staff available so you may need to be patient as staff work through earlier threads.

    PS: I’m sure there’s no problem adding an external theme designed for WordPress.org to the new Business plan and bandwidth shouldn’t be an issue as there are a number of VIP sites with a great amount of traffic already using WordPress.com. As for your third question, only staff can answer that one.

  • @themagicrobot your answers are very helpful, thanks a lot.
    i will add the tag, and wait for the staff to answer the 3rd question.

    Thanks Again

  • Hi there!

    As @themagicrobot already said you can upload any third-party theme you want if you have a Business Plan and our infrastructure can handle high volume traffic sites.
    As for your third question, the Business Plan does come with unlimited storage and there’s no restriction on how to use it.
    If you want to know more about the WordPress.com Business Plan you can read this support document:


    If you have any other questions, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.

  • Hello @fstat

    Thanks for your answer, and another question if you don’t mind.
    The theme i’m trying to install has login and registration function, can i use it ? is that ok ? and where the accounts will be stored in that case ? on my website or on WordPress.com database?


  • Yes, you can use any theme with a membership functionality built-in and all of your visitor’s accounts will be stored on your website.
    If you like let me know the theme you like to use so I can have a look.

  • @fstat

    Yes of course, please find the link below:


    you can view it by demo button.

    Have a good day

  • This theme will work fine on a Business Plan site. If you run into any trouble installing it feel free to reach us here or by using the contact form:


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