WordPress 5.6 Broke Anchor Links On Divi

  • One of the websites that I’m working on was running 5.5.3 with working anchor links and upon installing the 5.6 update, the anchor links broke. I regression tested to make sure 5.6 was actually the culprit.

    If you’re running a Divi website with anchor links, I would stay away from this update until WordPress addresses the issue.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, @enazario1997
    Your site is not hosted here, on WordPress.com, but using the open source WordPress.org software at another hosting provider.

    For general help with the version of WordPress you’re using, you can ask the WordPress.org community over at https://wordpress.org/support/forums/

    The other option: you can ask the support of your hosting.

    You can read more about the differences between WordPress.org software and WordPress.com here:


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