
  • I just got an email inviting me to be one of the beta testers for WordAds, which I signed up for months ago. Nowhere in the terms of service does it say what percentage of ads I get or if the revenue is based on clicks or blog page views. Where can I get this info?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m astonished to hear a blog with no page rank and low traffic has been invited to be one of the BETA testers in the WordAds Program. It’s my understanding that WordAds is only for well established blogs on their own domains, with suitable content and 20,000 – 25,000 page views or more monthly. All I know about the program is found at these links:
    Any additional information must be obtained from Staff.

  • Well… you’ll get over it. They invited everyone to sign up and those links don’t address my question. But thanks for posting them anyway.

  • Hi again,
    I flagged this thread for Staff attention the first time I posted to it. As you have purchased both a domain and a premium theme you can contact Staff for more WordAds details by using this link > http://en.support.wordpress.com/contact/

  • Well, I guess that makes your original comments slightly less rude. Let’s let the staff handle it from here.

  • Not to worry though as foodie blogs do well when it comes to attracting traffic and best wishes with your monetization. I was “astonished” as the announcement refers to “filling in a form to let us know a bit about yourself” without any reference to “inviatations” to BETA testers. I assume you did not like the fact that I mentioned the pagerank and low traffic but that data is publicly available to us all. I do agree that this is a question for Staff to answer and you can do that by using the support link. Happy blogging!

  • I’m more surprised that you TT. I got an email from WordAds today as well, telling me that I have been accepted. Unfortunately my theme doesn’t support WordAds. So I cannot activate it.

  • @noirciplume
    Really? I haven’t had time to chack my email yet. However, as I have a No-Ads upgrade I don’t suppose I will receive such an invitation.

  • I believe the original split with the AdControl program was 50/50. It seems reasonable to assume this goes for WordAds as well, but it may not.

    I haven’t been invited to WordAds, by the way. I don’t know how they are deciding who’s in and who’s out.

  • @raincoaster
    Curiouser and Curiouser
     1. You haven’t received a BETA testers invitation for WordAds and your blog was in the AdControl program which has been replaced by the WordAds program – how odd. Your blog is on a domain. You haven’t purchased a premium theme for it but it does have a good traffic flow.

    2. The OP has purchased a premium theme (Linen) and domain. “I just got an email inviting me to be one of the beta testers for WordAds, which I signed up for months ago.”
    (new but lovely low traffic foodie blog)
    (theme – )

    3. noirciplume also has purchased domain and a premium (Duet) theme. “I got an email from WordAds today as well, telling me that I have been accepted. Unfortunately my theme doesn’t support WordAds. So I cannot activate it. “
    (new but lovely low traffic photography blog)

    Blog fodder? ;)

  • Hmmm, not a bad idea. But I’ll look and see if WordAds might have been activated on my blog automatically before blogging about it.

  • @timethief so what about the pagerank 4 savorysimple is having?

  • We opened up the WordAds program for any and all to apply. However, we imagine that a fairly small percentage of WordPress.com bloggers are aware of the program so we are getting in touch with some sites by email. To start-out, our advertisers provided us with a list of a few site types or verticals that they were particularly interested in working with during the beta program so we have sent some emails to blogs that fit that profile. Once we are out of beta we hope and expect to be able to work with a much greater number of sites.

  • Thanks for responding, Jon. I realize this conversation veered off course, but here is my original question that I’m still hoping to get an answer to:

    I just got an email inviting me to be one of the beta testers for WordAds, which I signed up for months ago. Nowhere in the terms of service does it say what percentage of ads I get or if the revenue is based on clicks or blog page views. Where can I get this info?

  • Can someone please flag this again for Staff? I never got an answer to my original question.

  • There are many variables that determine your earnings beyond traffic, including which ad campaigns were active during that month as well as the countries in which each was active (advertisers pay more for North American and European users). We continue to upgrade with new ad partners to increase payouts. All of this translates into an earnings number that depends on your traffic as well as a number of other factors.

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