Word Wrap for 2014 Theme

  • Hi,

    I have just switched to the 2014 theme.
    Everything is fine, but when I look at my blog on iPad I noticed there is word wrap every other line, even though this issue doesn’t occur when I view it on my laptop AND when I check the iPad layout on Setting > Appearance.
    I am NOT using CSS customization, so can anyone advice why this is the case?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click http://wordpress.org/support/ and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the ios support forums there and receive advice from WordPress.ORG bloggers and make the developers aware of your issue.

  • amareyui, could you please upload a screenshot of what you see on your iPad to help in troubleshooting, and provide a link to the specific page or post?

    Here’s a guide on how to make a screenshot, if you’re not sure: http://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot/

    You can upload the screenshot – in a graphic format like JPG, PNG, or PDF – in your Media Library so I can see it. Thanks.

    timethief – their site is quantitativetravel.wordpress.com and I don’t think this question is related to the iOS app.

  • amareyui – could you please also let me know which browser and version you’re using on your iPad, and whether it happens in another brower. For example, if you see the issue in Safari, could you try Chrome, and vice versa. Thanks.

  • Kathrynwp, I have uploaded a screen shot as requested.
    I am using Safari and Chrome on my iPad when this issue arises.
    Same problem when I use Firefox on laptop but normal when I use Chrome.

  • Thanks for the screenshot! Are you referring to the hyphenated words here?

    Twentyfourteen hyphens

    To turn off hyphenation you’ll need to add some CSS, which is something you can do with the Custom Design upgrade. I’d be glad to help you with the specific code if you decide to go that route.

    If you’re referring to something else, could you please explain a bit more what the issue is? Thanks.

  • Thanks for your reply.
    Two questions:
    1) why does the auto-hyphenation only occur on mobile but not when I use Chrome on laptop?
    2) Do all themes have auto-hyphenation? I didn’t notice this before I switched to the 2014 Theme.

  • 1) why does the auto-hyphenation only occur on mobile but not when I use Chrome on laptop?

    That’s because the shorter line lengths displayed on smaller mobile devices are more likely to encounter hyphenation rules. It’s the same way newspapar articles – with narrower columns of text – will be more likely to have hyphenated words than a large coffee-table book.

    2) Do all themes have auto-hyphenation? I didn’t notice this before I switched to the 2014 Theme.

    No, only some do. It’s an aesthetic decision made by the theme designer and it’s coded into each theme’s stylesheet.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

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