Word Press Subscription

  • Hi there,
    I’ve had my site built by a developper, who is not not very cooperative in handing me over my wordpress/woocommerce subscription details. Can you help?

    As a worst case scenario, I would like to purchase a new subscriptions, but I am not sure which one I had before and which one I need.
    The domain is already mine: http://www.atelierspatz.com and hosted by a different company.
    I don’t have much turnover in the shop, but I need a working woocommerce/ wordpress site.

    Thanks for your help.


    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi Jo!

    What beautiful costumes :)

    I just checked your site for you and I can see that atelierspatz.com is currently not hosted with us here at WordPress.com. To clarify, atelierspatz.wordpress.com is hosted here, but the two sites are not connected.

    It sounds like you don’t have access to the WordPress dashboard of atelierspatz.com. If that’s the case, you can recover a password using the Lost your password? link on the login page.

    Once you’ve regained access to your site, you may want to consider moving it to WordPress.com to prevent you being “locked out” again. You can find out more about our plans on this page.

    Since you’re already using WordPress, you’d be eligible for our migration service.

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