Word Count no longer visible

  • One of the best changes to WP over the past months was the new ability to track word count continuously, at the bottom of the writing/editing window.

    With recent changes, it seems to have disappeared. The only way to access it is to scroll to the very bottom of the page. It’s extremely awkward, particularly for those of us who do longer-form writing.

    Is this an actual change, or is there a secret to restoring it to visibility I’ve just missed? Many thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • On the new improved “beep beep boop” editor word count is showing up only on the visual editor, but not on the text editor. On classic editor word count is shown on both visual and text editors.

    Which editor (new or classic) and which mode (visual or text) are you using?

  • I use Classic, both visual and text — and I just solved the problem by clicking the “distraction-free writing” option in the page options. I don’t remember having to choose that before, but no mind. The “problem” is solved. Thanks for your feedback!

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