Woocommerce Shipment Voucher

  • I can’t find how to setup a voucher to cut only the shipment price.

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • What I mean is not free shipping, but just cut some amount from the shipment price.

  • Hi there!

    There are some extensions like SmartCoupons that let you limit the discount to the shipping as requested (You can see the steps to do so here)

    That being said, I see your site is hosted with Rumahweb rather than WordPress.com so I can only share some general guidelines and recommendations since we’re not able to access the site. Take into account that by migrating your site with us you can enjoy our hands-on specialized WordPress support which could further help you with situations like this one and way more.

    If this might be something you would be interested in, don’t hesitate to answer the thread :)

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