woocommerce product gallery like classic gallery

  • How can I have a more classic / simple gallery as my product gallery that it is 2 columns wide (even variable columns) and that runs the length of the page, such as my product page here https://itsmrjack.com/product/sanctuary/

    I really don’t like the woocommerce product gallery with its zoom and lightbox features, it just looks naff to me. I don’t feel it sells art very well.

    As a workaround I customised my woocommerce product page template by plonking a gallery in it and filling the gallery with images of the one and only product – my first book – that I was selling. When doing this I was well aware this was the worst possible solution, and the most temporary of fixes, but it was fine while I only had one product for sale. Now that I am wanting to sell some prints from the book I need to come up with a permanent solution.

    So ideally I would like the images I add in the product gallery section of the admin product editor to show up in a 2 column gallery AFTER the product summary, as opposed to before it. If I could have the same controls, eg # of columns, as a classic gallery would be great.

    Regarding the featured image – ideally I would not have the tacky magnifying glass symbol or have roll-over zoom enabled on it. I have tried turning these features off, but cannot get the settings to consistently stick.

    Help greatly appreciated as I am trying to get these prints up for sale before the christmas sales period is done!



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Apologies, but we can’t help with your issue directly because we don’t host your site on our WordPress.com managed hosting.

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