Will upgrading to custom domain hurt my SEO?

  • The domain I want will expire from his owner after one year and he doesn’t use it, If I use .wordpress.com and then upgrade to a custom domain, Will this hurt my SEO??

  • Yes if you fail to renew a domain before the domain expires then every link to the content under the domain URL wherever it appears on the internet and in the SERPs (search engine page results) will be broken. Every time one is clicked the person who clicked will experience a 404 (page no found). Read this: http://en.support.wordpress.com/domains/domain-expiration/

    Every year we get kids who think they hot shots and who purchase a domain name for a year and think they can play SEO games – don’t do it. If you are not prepared to renew the domain every year before it expires then don’t buy one at all.

  • The domain is parked, There is no thing on this domain -Only a GoDaddy parked domain page-.

    However, Thanks for your help :)

  • The short answer is: in terms of pure SEO, a whatever.wordpress.com blog will have more than the same blog with a custom domain. But there are many, many other reasons to get a custom domain, so I generally recommend buying it anyway. The difference is minor.

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