Kelly Theme: Width of text across page changed by itself

  • The Kelly theme is supposed to display full-width text across the page, which is why I chose it. But while I was making other changes, somehow the text area narrowed. I’ve tried changing to other themes and then back to kelly, but I cannot get the full-width text back. Can somebody help? Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    Could you please explain a little more when you say

    to display full-width text across the page

    Do you mean the title across your Header?

    Musings of a Nomadic Linguist…

  • Hi there. Thanks. I meant the content of each post (ie the text under each heading). Initially it spanned the whole width of the template, but then suddenly went narrower. In the meantime I’m trying out another theme – Escutcheon.

  • Hi there,
    I did not see any such behavior when I replicated the theme. The paragraphs displayed across fine.
    Meanwhile I see you have activated and been using the ‘Escutcheon’ theme so I cannot see the exact issue you are facing in more detail either.
    Do you intend on keeping this theme or are you still trying to find ways to switch back to the ‘Kelly’ theme?
    I have also tagged your post with the ‘modlook’ tag for staff to have a look at the back-end of your site as well.

  • Thanks for your help here, @wpndesign :)

    @sclarke74 do you happen to have a screenshot of the narrowing you saw? If you do and wouldn’t mind uploading it, we’ll take a look. We haven’t been able to duplicate the issue you mentioned here.

    Sometimes we’ll see this if someone has some stray HTML in a post … an unexpectedly closed tag, for example. Or it could be something else. We won’t know much though unless we can see it.

  • Thanks all for the assistance. I’m afraid I don’t have a screenshot of the issue because I switched to the ‘Escutcheon’ theme. On balance, I think I now prefer it for its simplicity (and the text also displays fairly widely across the screen) so I’ll stick with this one. All I can say to explain the Kelly problem is that I was in the process of making some (seemingly) unrelated changes, so perhaps I unwittingly changed the HTML as you say.

  • Alright. If you find out more, feel free to reply here. We’ll leave this thread open in case anyone else has trouble with Kelly.

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