Widgets & Sidebars Have Suddenly Disappeared

  • Help, all of my widgets and sidebars suddenly disappeared. Pilcrow theme. I didn’t do or change anything at all, one day they were there and the next day they weren’t. Search tool … Blog archive … recent posts …. Blogroll … “About” … they’re all gone. What happened? They still show up when I go into my setting on the Dashboard but they aren’t appearing on the site. Problem started yesterday (10-11)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The missing sections on the homepage are way down at the bottom. That’s usually caused by stray HTML code in a post. By clicking through to the individual post pages, you can see which one is causing the problem because it will have the same layout problem as the homepage. In this case it’s the “Tenessee Gun Report” post. The funnyordie.com link at the end is missing a closing paragraph tag and that may be the issue. Try editing the post, removing the link, then adding it back.

    Here’s more info about HTML troubleshooting if you’re interested: https://en.support.wordpress.com/html-troubleshooting/


    I deleted the Funny Or Die link and that fixed it! Thank you so much!

  • You’re welcome! I’m happy to hear you were able to fix it.

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