Widgets CSS Customization

  • Hello I am using the Triton Lite theme and I would like to request a snippet for the following. If you take a look at the middle row widgets in the main page, there’s a music playlist. In that playlist there’s a text in italic that says “Un podcast de vlogazul.com” is there a snippet to make that text normal and not italic? And also the text below it that says “LA TÁCTICA CELESTE” in uppercase, can I make that regular and not uppercase?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Aloha @vlogazul, This code should change the text from italic to normal:

    .wp-playlist-item-album {
        font-style: normal;

    This should remove the uppercase formatting:

    .wp-playlist-item-artist {
        text-transform: none;
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