
  • Liebes support-Team!

    Wo ist denn der classic widget-Bereich plötzlich hin?
    Die widgets über das Live-Board (‚Block-Widgets‘) zu bearbeiten, ist völlig umständlich. Unübersichtlicher gehts kaum! Zudem braucht es ewig, bis überhaupt irgendetwas angezeigt wird, was auch an meinen eigenen PC-Einstellungen liegen mag, über das alte widget-Bearbeitungsfeld war dem aber nicht so. Warum bewahrt ihr nicht die alten Bearbeitungsflächen, so wir das mit dem alten dashboard auch geschehen ist?

    Das menü ist weiterhin über die klassische Form zu bearbeiten, bei den widgets scheint es mit einem Male völlig grundlos abgestellt worden zu sein. Ich werde direkt ins Live-Board gedrängt, das mit zu den unübersichtlichsten und umständlichsten Arbeitsflächen gehört, die ich jemals gesehen habe! Vor allem im Bezug auf die widgets. Zum Schreiben bietet ihr doch weiterhin beide Arbeitsflächen an, beide dashboards ihre Vorteile. Das ist gut gelungen, wieso wird das nicht auch für die widgets angeboten?
    Oder finde ich bloß die Bearbeitungsfläche nicht mehr? Wo wäre sie dann aber verborgen?
    Es tut mir leid, aber ich bin wirklich sauer. Nach der Aktion, daß einem inzwischen Werbung mitten in die Artikel gesetzt wird, ist diese Neuerung die nächste Enttäuschung.
    Wozu immer die ewigen Neuerungen? So wird alles nur zerfleddert und verhunzt, verwischt und gleichgemacht. Die Individualität geht verloren.

    Wie kann ich zum alten/classic widget-Bereich zurückgelangen? Das Angebot ‚Möchtest du bei den alten Widgets bleiben? Hol dir das Plugin Classic Widgets.‘ ist mir nicht verständlich. Wie kann man diese heruntergeladene zip-datei denn dann zum Einsatz bringen?

    Danke für die Hilfe im Voraus

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Translation

    Dear people!

    Where did the classic widget area suddenly go?
    Editing the widgets via the live board (“block widgets”) is completely cumbersome. It’s hardly more confusing! In addition, it takes forever until anything is displayed, which may also be due to my own PC settings, but over the old widget editing field was not so. Why don’t you keep the old machining surfaces, so we did with the old dashboard?

    The menu is still to be edited via the classic form, with the widgets it seems to have been parked with a time completely baseless. I am pushed directly into the live board, which is one of the most confusing and cumbersome workspaces I have ever seen! Especially in terms of widgets. For writing, you still offer both work surfaces, both dashboards their advantages. That succeeded well, why is this not also offered for the widgets?
    Or can I no longer find the machining surface? But where would she be hidden?
    I’m sorry, but I’m really mad. Why always the eternal innovations? So everything is only flabbergasted and twisted, blurred and equalized. Individuality is lost.

    How can I get back to the old/classic widget area? The offer “Would you like to stay with the old widgets? Get the Plugin Classic Widgets. ” How can you use this downloaded zip file? I Cant’ without upgrade, I guess. But I could use it before!

    Thanks for the help in advance

    (I need it for all my websites)

  • @jermainfoutrelecamp,

    For writing, you still offer both work surfaces, both dashboards their advantages. That succeeded well, why is this not also offered for the widgets?

    Agreed. I hadn’t noticed this recent change until you pointed it out. The sudden obliteration of the beautiful and perfectly functioning WP-Admin widgets page with a blocks monstrosity is a bizarre and very unwelcome move for WordPress.com to make. Is this just a step in an evil plan to remove the familiar and time-tested features of WP-Admin bit by bit?

  • NACHTRAG 12.08: Auch die Menüs sind nunmehr nur noch über den Customizer zu bearbeiten. Im Gegensatz zu den widgets läßt es sich aber immerhin bedienen. Die klassische Arbeitsfläche war aber auch hier trotzdem weitaus besser.
    Der widget-Bereich ist nach wie vor nicht zu bedienen. weder werden die widgets im Viewer so angezeigt, wie sie durch den User angeordnet wurden, noch lassen sie sich einzeln bearbeiten. Der Sichtbarkeitsfunktion, mit dem eingestellt werden konnte, bei welcher angewählten Seite welches widget zu sehen ist, fehlt gänzlich. Die gesamte Website ist damit unbrauchbar geworden. Ein Upgrade würde das Problem vielleicht lösen, weil dann der Support helfen könnte und alle wären wieder happy. Vielleicht wäre der Fehler nach dem Upgrade auch von selbst behoben, dann würde ich mich aber durchaus fragen, wie er sich dann vorher hier eingeschlichen haben konnte.

    ADDENDUM 12.08: Also the menus can now only be edited via the customizer. In contrast to the widgets, however, it can be used. But the classic work surface was still much better here.
    The widget area is still unusable. Neither are the widgets displayed in the viewer as arranged by the user, nor can they be edited individually. The visibility function, with which it was possible to set the selected page, is completely missing. The entire website has thus become unusable. An upgrade might solve the problem because then the support could help and everyone would be happy again. Maybe the bug would be fixed by itself after the upgrade, but then I would certainly wonder how it could have crept in here before.

  • Hello there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    The widget area can be now be made using blocks, however, if you wish to use classic widgets you would need to have this plugin https://wordpress.com/plugins/classic-widgets installed on the site.

    Please note that in order to install plugins, the site would need to be on the business plan.

    I hope this information is useful.

  • Thank you aleone 89,

    first it didn’t work at all, now it’s getting better, still it’s not perfect yet (as it was in classic modus), a few things are still not solved. (“i.e.: Neither are the widgets displayed in the viewer as arranged by the user”)
    Not knowing that it’s obviously a work in progress, I wonder if wordpress did inform the users in beforehand? I couldn’t find anything like that, so I was shocked and helpless, not sure, if it might be a bug in my own system. But it wasnt, god bless.
    As soon as its doing well enough (again), I’m going to recall my complains.


  • To conclude the case:

    The things I had complained about now work with all my browsers. This was not the case beforehand, so there were only considerable problems in the changeover phase from wordpress. In retrospect, my complaint seems superfluous or premature, but since this had not been communicated, I have now wondered for 4 days and nights what it would like to be.
    Now that its possible to work with the widgets and menus, I put my complaint in the blog on ‘private’ and this thread on the status’ solved ‘.
    I am still a strict proponent of maintaining classic working methods and control panels and find the loss of wp classic dashboards regrettable. Therefore my general criticism of the worrying development of the Internet remains.

    ( more had been written here: https://wordpress.com/de/forums/topic/widget-bereich/ )

  • @J.

    Also the menus can now only be edited via the customizer. In contrast to the widgets, however, it can be used. But the classic work surface was still much better here.

    The WP-Admin Menus page is still accessible, but not via the admin panel menu. You can reach it by appending “/nav-menus.php” to your site address, and I’d suggest saving a link to that an other important WP-Admin pages somewhere (e.g. bookmarks).

    I am still a strict proponent of maintaining classic working methods and control panels and find the loss of wp classic dashboards regrettable. Therefore my general criticism of the worrying development of the Internet remains.

    If you feel this way, as I do also, then I wonder why you marked the topic resolved (presuming that you did so). The “resolved” status will ensure that the topic is closed very soon, so others that are unhappy about the new changes regarding access to and functionality of the WP-Admin widgets and menus pages won’t be able to respond here.

  • Thanks for the advices musicdoc1

    you are right. Now the topic is reopened again. :)

    The problem has only been solved as far as I can work again, but the complain should remain as it is, in particular concerning the changes and the way its been done.
    The general criticism – “development” of the internet – will never be solved, I guess, but talking, writing, worrying about it should be possible furthermore.

    Thanks for the php-link. I tried that before with widgets, but didnt work anymore, so I thought this is the same with menues now. Strange that wp keeps the one thing, but not the other.

  • Concerning the new super-superfantastically incomparably high quality new customizer widget area:

    “Your theme has 3 more widget areas, but this particular page doesn’t show them. You can navigate to other pages on your website while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets available on these pages.”

    Indeed. So I waited about 5 minutes, UNTIL it suddenly worked out. Maybe it worked, because I navigatesd here and there and everywhere during all the time, while my cup of coffee was getting cold!

    With the old widget area this has been done in 30 seconds!

    High live the modern technology, it saves time and energy!!!

  • … After that it took another 10 minutes to place a new widget!! And this is NOT because of my browser(s). For example: All formerly placed widgets have been provided (in the meantime) with the visibility-buttom (a few days ago, there was none). Now, after puting another widget in there, the button is missing for this one!
    But, ok, maybe it takes another three days to get it fixed…

  • The topic ‘widget-’ is closed to new replies.