wider header image in Imbalance?

  • so is there any option for the wide header without the custom option?

    As I already wrote above (three days ago), yes. I’ll publish the relevant post next week.

  • i just developed a logo and am planning to develop something to spread across the page (inspired by patterned plate site). my image has a gray background so for the time being it would look a lot better if i could change the background of the entire header to “bleed” all gray.

    how do i customize the header background color. i have the customization package but don’t know how to use it well.

  • This does the entire header area in the same grey you have in the logo image.

    #header {
    background-color: #818286;

    You will likely want to change the dark grey text color for the menu items.

    .menu ul a {
    color: #303030;

    The background for the menu items.

    .menu ul li {
        background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);

    The search box you might want to change as well.

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