widening posting page

  • Is there a way to widen the size of my page or is it is the size of the side bars that needs to be reduced? I have CSS and sort of know how to use it. I’m still learning but I’ve been able to do some things in it already. So I’m will to give it a try if it involves CSS. Thanks~

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Yes, it involves CSS. No, I don’t know how you do it. There are only a couple of the volunteers around who do know CSS well, which is why the upgrade is not recommended for beginners.

  • This thread has been merged over to the CSS forum.

    Sorry I would help you but I don’t know enough CSS yet to tackle what you’re asking.
    But their is a few members that know CSS really well they may be able to help you if they have the time too. good luck!

  • Hi, I’m still wondering if anyone can help me with this?

  • There is no official support from Staff for learning how to CSS edit and there are only 1 or 2 volunteers who do help with CSS editing. That’s why the upgrade is not recommended to those who are not able to work independently. In time one of the volunteers will long in and help, but until then you will have to be patient while you wait. There are some excellent CSS tutorials you can use to learn what you need to know from listed at the top of the CSS customization forum.

  • First thing you will have to do is to change the width under #frame which contains the main content area and the sidebar area. Next you will change the width in #content by the same amount.

    This will leave the Menu area and the header area a mess, so under .menu, you will need to increase the width by the same amount as you did #frame and #content.

    Next you will have to increase the width under #header so that it is the same as the width in #frame.

    Now you will have to create a new header image that is the width of #header, upload it and then put the URL of that new image into the background declaration in the #title_image section.

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