Why NOINDEX? Tag pages causing duplicate SEO penalties

  • Why, in 2017, do you have tag pages and attachment pages with no option to noindex? I just paid for this service and now my content is being thrown into the omitted result instead of the tag page.

    What can I do now?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Tag pages will only cause duplicate content issues if you have the exact same tags added to the exact same posts on your site. The presence of on particular post on multiple tag and category pages does not constitute duplicate content. The presence of the same posts on multiple tag and category pages do. So as long as you only use categories or tags that are directly relevant to each individual post this shouldn’t be a problem.

    Google knows most CMSs work like this, and their software is smart enough to figure this out. According to their own documentation they also only penalise sites they determine is trying to manipulate their system by using duplicate content to get more hits.


    It has never been possible to nofollow or noindex tag or category URLs on WordPress.com. If you still want to do that, you’ll either need to move to the self-hosted version of WordPress or upgrade to the Business Plan so you can install a plugin to make this change.

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