Why my posts/tags don't show up in the "explore topics" feed?

  • Hi all!

    I am new to WP, and I’ve been reading all support material available to be able to learn. I read about the explore topics feature which I find so fascinating for finding other bloggers with similar interests, and also, making my posts “out there”. I also read that if you put tags, they will show in the feed. Of course I placed tags on my only 2 posts I’ve posted so far in my new blog, but none of them appear in the feed. I tried with all the tags, and they don’t show in the explore topics under the specific tags. Is there a reason for this? I also read the “missing posts” from WordPress.
    Any help will be very much appreciated! :)
    Thanks in advance!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • New blogs are not in the feed. Wait. You’ll get in the tag lists soon enough.

  • Thank you, @raincoaster! I’ll wait then.


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