Why my Blog site:qianwuge.wordpress.com is suspended?

  • Hi Guys,

    I migrated from MSN space and I have been written Chinese Blog for more than 5 years. My blog does not contain anything that is political or forbidden content. My blog is mainly about my life, IT and homeless cat, my friends like my site and they read regularly, why my blog is stopped???


    Please contact me qlw5 _at_ sina.com.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Use the link in your dashboard to contact support directly. It might be legitimate, but there is always the chance they could have made a mistake. Contact them and they will look at thing again. They don’t discuss suspensions in the forums.

  • If you contacted us through the “click here to contact us” link in the notice, our ToS department definitely received your request, and they’ll be getting back to you ASAP.

    As a policy, please refrain from discussing ToS issues on the public forums.

    Thank you for your patience!

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