WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Could you please share a link to the specific place where the badge doesn’t show correctly or upload a screenshot? If there are any other details to help us view the issue, that will help. Thanks!

  • Thank you for answering so fast. I am attaching the page where you can see the badge but not image at all, and it should be looking like a symbol and link to another site. I read all the articles, etc etc and in one of the instructions was to see if my theme allows this type of widget. However, I have no idea how to do that. I created all the pages myself.

    Thank you for your help.


  • Hi @margarett44, is this the right page?


    I found several pages with similar names, but wasn’t able to find the one with that code showing. If you’re still struggling, can you edit the affected page and try these steps?

    • Remove that code
    • Type /html to create an HTML block
    • Try pasting the code again

    OR better yet, instead of using code, add your image, then click the link icon for it. And then paste the link you want. You can also toggle the option to open it in a new tab. That will do the same thing this code recommends, without you having to worry about the code. Should make replacing the image and link easier if you ever need to do that!

    Also, I don’t know whether it would interest you, but if you’d like a head start setting up your site, we do offer a service where our experts can create your site for you. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out here!

  • Thank you for the information and now I am more trouble because all the pages were duplicated and all pages are not showing content.

  • Hi @margarett44

    1. Duplicate pages – if you’ve accidentally duplicated some of your pages, you can go ahead and delete the duplicates.

    I noticed that you’re using the older WP Admin dashboard, so you can delete unwanted pages by hovering the title and clicking the red “Trash” button.

    Before doing that, you may want to first go through them and modify their titles to something like “To Trash” – just so you don’t end up accidentally deleting a page you actually wanted to keep. :)

    2. Missing content on some pages – I spot-checked these, and it does look like most of the pages you’ve linked to in your navigation menu are empty. When I open those pages in the editor, there is no content there, either. Those pages do not include a “Revision history” section, meaning that the pages never had any content to begin with. These blank pages are all ones that were published yesterday, December 12.

    On the other hand, the three pages published on November 22 and November 27, 2023, do all have content.

    To avoid further confusion, after deleting the duplicate pages as mentioned in step 1, I’d suggest adding content to the pages you’ve retained, and then start fresh with a new navigation menu, to ensure the correct pages are added.

  • Yes, there were duplication and no content, I managed to fix that by deleting old pages and now they are visible.

    But I was never able to insert my Badge

    Thank you all for the ideas!!

  • @margarett44 do you have the image you want to use for the badge, and the link?

    Also, where would you like to put that? It can be on every page or post if you add it to a template, or you can put it on one page (like “contact”).

    If you want to share what you have in mind for your site we can help you get pointed in the right direction.

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