Why is wordpress no longer recognizing my wordpress website?

  • I have had trouble loading posts onto my environmental news website (the ECOreport.com) since yesterday. After disabling all my plugins, I found cannot reactive Jetpack – ‘Error details: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site hhts:theecoreport.com [IXR-32300; transport error: http_request_failed cURL error 35’ Unknown SSL protocal error in connection to the ecoreport:443]. Going to Jetpack and wordpress, they do not appear to recognize the ECOreport. My host (Go Daddy) says the SSL and everything is okay on their end, this is a wordpress problem. How do I fix it?

  • Hi. Your website is a wordpress.ORG site, and hosted by GoDaddy. This Forum is for wordpress.COM sites. To find out the difference, and to find the proper Forum for your request, just go here:


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