Why is the subscribe button showing

  • Hi,

    Reading the following article Removing the subscribe feature | WordPress.com Forums my site shouldn’t have the Subscribe button on the lower right of the page as I have 0 posts and only pages created (6 including the homepage).

    Why is the subscribe button showing and how can I stop this from happening?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I see the linked Forum reply is from 2021, the information may be outdated.

    The requirements for displaying the Action Bar – or Subscribe Feature – are the following:

    The action bar will appear as long as:

    This is stated in this support guide:

    Action Bar
    2 min read
    You’ll find the Action Bar in the lower right corner of any WordPress.com website you’re viewing. This guide explains the options available in the action bar. Action Bar The Action Bar appears as a “Subscribe” button at the bottom right of sites on WordPress.com, giving visitors quick access to subscribe to your site: The action bar will appear as long as: The site has the homep

    As the website is set to display the latest posts under Settings → Reading → Your homepage displays (that is, the default setting), the Action Bar is displayed.

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