Why is my wordpress.com domain expiring

  • Hi,

    I don’t understand why my domain (https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com/) is going to expire. This is what I have done:

    1. I changed the URL of my blog to the one above.

    2. I just redirected my older URL to the new one, by buying the Site Redirect upgrade.

    3. Now, in “Store – My Domains” it says that my primary domain(https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com/) is “Expiring” and “will stop functioning” in one year from the time I purchased the Site Redirect upgrade. But in the instructions, it looks like it should appear “Never Expires”.

    Why should my domain stop functioning in one year? Shouldn’t stop working only the Site Redirect service if I don’t renew it (and btw, renewal is automatic)?

    Thanks a lot!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,
    The domain “https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com/ ” can’t and will not expire. It will last a lifetime.

    3. Now, in “Store – My Domains” it says that my primary domain(https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com/) is “Expiring” and “will stop functioning” in one year from the time I purchased the Site Redirect upgrade. But in the instructions, it looks like it should appear “Never Expires”.

    Have you purchased a domain (such as example.com) from WordPress.com earlier? If you have then I think that is the one that is going to expire. Purchased domain names are valid for year and have to be renewed every year.

    Could you please let us know which domain the site redirect upgrade is pointing to?

    Why should my domain stop functioning in one year? Shouldn’t stop working only the Site Redirect service if I don’t renew it (and btw, renewal is automatic)?

    All paid upgrades are valid for a year, so all upgrades including domain mapping(such as mapping your site to example.com) and site redirect are valid for a year. They automatically renew unless you stop the automatic renewals.

  • Thanks for your reply,

    I haven’t purchased any domain. The expiration message appear in “My Domains” page next to the url https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com. That is the domain the site redirect upgrade is pointing to. The domain that is directed to it is mircodarimini.wordpress.com, and next to it it says “Never Experies”.

    So i still don’t get why next to a domain such lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com I get the message “Expiring – will stop functioning on July 14, 2016”.

  • Interesting. I am guessing it is some kind of a bug. You ideally should be seeing a “never expires” message for both your WordPress.com sites.

    That said, both the WordPress.com domains will not expire.Only the site upgrade will expire. So don’t worry about the message. I will mark this thread for a staff to look into.

  • Hi there,

    To clear up any confusion you have two WordPress.com sites,
    https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com and http://mircodarimini.wordpress.com.

    You have purchased the site redirect to point mircodarimini.wordpress.com to lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com this site redirect is expiring on July 14th 2016 if not renewed.

    All this means is mircodarimini.wordpress.com will stop redirecting but your site at lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com will not be effected nor expire.

  • I thought as well that the expiring message next to my WordPress.com domain was a bug or only referred to the expiration of the Site Redirect upgrade.

    I got confused since I followed the WordPress instructions to purchase that upgrade, and, as you can see in the second image of the page https://en.support.wordpress.com/site-redirect/, there should be a “Never Expire” instead of an “Expiring” message next to my WordPress.com domain.

    So, thanks to you both, I should be fine.

  • That’s correct, your WordPress.com subdomain will never expire.

    If you visit the My Domains page for https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com you’ll see it states the WordPress.com domain never expires.

    Likewise if you visit the My Domains page for http://mircodarimini.wordpress.com you’ll see the WordPress.com subdomain doesn’t expire but the site redirect does.

    The Site Redirect must be renewed yearly. I’ll work on updating the screenshot in the support page shortly.

  • I’m sorry, but I don’t see that.

    If I visit the My Domains page for https://lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com I see it states:
    – “lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com (Site Redirect) Expiring – will stop functioning on July 14, 2016”.

    If I visit the My Domains page for http://mircodarimini.wordpress.com I see it states:
    – “lacartelladelprecario.wordpress.com (Site Redirect) This is your Primary Domain; the domains below will redirect to it. Expiring – will stop functioning on July 14, 2016

    – “mircodarimini.wordpress.com Never Expires

    But again, I hope it only means that it is my Site Redirect upgrade to expire and that my domains are not going to stop functioning next year. The graphic of My Domains page is not clear and get people confused.

  • Hi Mirco,

    Thanks for clarification. It looks like this is the result of a bug in our system. i have let our developers know. For now, rest assured that your WordPress.com sub domain will not expire :)

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