Why is .com domanin free but .ca costs money

  • Hello!

    I am looking into purchasing a plan for my site. However, every time I try to create a domain name, I am told that lakeshorepsychiatrichospital.com is free but I have to pay $24 for lakeshorepsychiatrichospital.ca

    Why is one option free, but the other option costs more money. When I paid for an account with another account, I was able to get the .ca domain included for free.

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Each WordPress.com plan comes with one domain name for free. Each additional domain must be purchased separately.

    Somehow you had both the .com and the .ca on your shopping cart that’s why the system wanted to charge you $24 for the extra domain.

    I went ahead and removed the .com domain from your cart and you can now proceed to the checkout with the .ca domain included for free. Here’s a direct link to the checkout:


    If this doesn’t work or you have more questions, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help!

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