Why have many images in my blog suddenly started appearing very, very small?

  • Over the last couple of weeks, some of the photos in my blog are now appearing very, very small (much smaller than ever before) for what seems like no reason. If I refresh the page, sometimes that helps, sometimes it doesn’t. What is going on? Is there a way I can fix this? I have tried replacing the photos, but that has not helped. Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Ann – I’m not seeing this on my end. Can you please link me directly to some posts where the small images appear?

    It would be good if you also made a screenshot of how they look on your end. Here are instructions for how to make a screenshot: http://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot/

    You can upload it to your blog’s Media Library and I can look at it there.

  • Eurello, it’s very intermittent and very frustrating.

    Here’s an example: when I just looked at this post http://annkoplow.wordpress.com/2013/02/08/day-39-the-dread-storm-nemo-and-columbia-sc/
    the first photo was full size and all the other ones were the teensy size. I took a screen shot and uploaded to my media file, and you can see the first big photo and the second small one.

    Then, when I just went to that same post to copy the URL, all the photos were all the right size again.

    Yesterday, when I was looking at the monthly archives, almost all the photos were the tiny size. And many of the posts had the teeny-tiny photos.

    What the heck?

  • Eurello, I wanted to let you know that I took somebody’s advice and checked to see if the same things was happening in a different browser. The problem is happening in Google Chrome but it is not happening in Safari. Google Chrome has been fine all year, though. Thanks!

  • Hi Ann – We’ve had a few reports of this happening to various users, but we haven’t been able to reproduce it or to find the common thread for those that it’s happening to. I also use Chrome and it doesn’t happen for me. Any other details you could provide about your set-up would be helpful (any extensions or add-ons you use with Chrome, whether you connect from a home network or through a work/school network, etc.), and I’ll let you know if I have more information about this.

  • Hi Eurello, I just uploaded another example of a post showing those small images, to my media library. And here’s the link to that post:
    I am using a home network. I don’t have any extensions or add-ons that I am aware of. I can tell you that I have not seen anything like this all year, until about one week ago. I’m wondering if there was an update for Google Chrome recently that caused it. Thanks!

  • Hi Ann – It’s possible that an update caused it, although we’re both using the same version of Chrome, and I’m not having the problem. I’ll keep you updated when we have more information about this. In the meantime, it might be of some comfort to you that it’s unlikely many of your readers are seeing this.

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