Why doesn't Visual Editor create my links?

  • I’m having trouble making links when using the Visual Editor. It’s a relatively recent problem that I had hoped would magically go away. Unfortunately, it didn’t. What happens is that when I create a link as normal, I “OK” out of the screen for creating the link, then when I’m returned to the Visual Editor, no link has been created. Having played around with this, I can tell you that space bars seem to be related to the issue. For example, if I had the text, “Click here for more information” and wanted to add a URL to the entire sentence, that would not likely work. But, if I took all the spaces out from between the words, essentially leaving one giant word, THEN the URL would be properly applied, after which I could add back the spaces with no problem. So weird. I’m not sure what the issue is. Any ideas? It doesn’t seem to happen on any particular page, but rather all of them on my site. The site is anchorage-school.org. Thanks for any suggestions!
    Blog url: http://anchorageschool.wordpress.com/

  • Can you please try clearing out your cache? Do you also encounter this issue in a different browser? for example Firefox or Google Chrome?

    Also review the steps in this guide on how to add a link using the visual editor.

  • Thanks, Kardotim. I dumped the cache and tried using Firefox in addition to IE. Problem is still there. We’ve notice the problem appears to be the most likely to occur on pages of our site which use lists of hyperlinked items. In other words, link, bullet, link, bullet, link, bullet, etc. The spacebar thing really has me scratching my head. Place a link on a single word, and that usually works. Try the same thing on a sentence and odds are it won’t accept the link at all. Very odd.

  • Hi there,

    I’m not able to reproduce this issue.

    Please make sure you’re running the latest version of your browsers:

    If it’s still not working, could you try using Chrome?

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