Why does most recent blog photo always get cut off at very top in full frame?

  • I use the full frame theme am absolutely DELIGHTED with my blog – and I’m a novice! Just one issue I still haven’t been able to resolve on my own. Under both my ‘blog’ menu at the top, and my blogroll at the bottom, the photo of the most recent post always gets cut off at the top. I tried fiddling with the padding & heading changes but only moved the menu down further leaving an unsightly space at the top. My blog is http://www.artofholisticthinking.com. Thank you in advance :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, it’s great to hear that you’re happy with your blog so far! :)

    I took a look at your blog, and I see some formatting issues that are being caused by a bug in the Full Frame theme. (This includes the problem you’re seeing with the photo from your most recent post getting cut off at the top.) I reported this to our team for them to take a closer look.

    Our team should be able to get this fixed for you. However, in the meantime, you can fix the post getting cut off at the top with some custom CSS. To add custom CSS, go to Appearance > Customize in your dashboard and select CSS from the Customize tools. In the CSS editor, you can enter the following CSS:

    .blog #primary {
    	margin-top: 79px;

    Please let me know if you have any questions about that! :)

  • Hi Rachel, Thank you for your support, the custom CSS worked like a charm! I had experimented with margin adjustments before, but not knowing CSS didn’t use the right code. I appreciate your help :)

  • You’re welcome! I’m so glad that CSS worked for you. :)

    If you’re interested in learning more about CSS, we have some resources to get you started here:

    You can also get CSS help and tips from expert staff and volunteers in our CSS Customization forum here:

    Happy blogging!

  • Howdy,

    The Full Frame theme has been updated and the formatting issues that you’d reported have been fixed. Thanks for your patience! If you notice any other issues or have questions about Full Frame, feel free to ask the theme author directly in the Full Frame dedicated support forum: http://premium-themes.forums.wordpress.com/forum/full-frame


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