Why does a search on WordPress rarely show my site as result?

  • Yes, this is correct place to ask. There are 25 million blogs, and zillions of Tags so not all Tags are displayed on the Wordrpress.com home page. Only the most popular tags are displayed there. That’s why the support documentation has instructions for how to format your searches.

    The Global Tag Listings at WordPress.com aggregate all published posts attached to any particular tag or category, and display our most popular topics. If something you are interested in is not included there, you can still access its global tag listing. Simply change the tag in the URL and use a “-” to represent any spaces between words. Here are some examples:


    Note: Although the URL includes “tag”, the global tag listings also include categories. http://en.support.wordpress.com/global-tags/

  • Oops! We were typing simultaneously.

    so the dash is necessary if you have double-barrelled tags

    The dash is necessary in the URL when you are searching as there cannot be empty spaces in URLs. And, you’re welcome. :)

  • I just tried to ask a similar question and my post was immediately removed from the forum. I haven’t a clue why my post was closed and removed. All I want to know is how to locate where WordPress readers are finding my blog. Stats tell me how many hits I have from WordPress readers, but I don’t know how they are finding my blog through WordPress. Is this a legitimate question? Can someone help me?

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