Why do images appear only as thin line and not the whole image?

  • In some cases the images uploaded to the posts do not diplay correctly. Instead of seeing the whole image, you can only see a very thin line, like the original images has been very much shrinked.
    This phenomenon comes and goes: it is not related to certain posts. One time I can see the image displayed correctly, then I check the post later and it displays shrinked images.
    I would like to know the reason and how can this be corrected so that the images always are displayed correctly (I am using Chrome, I have cleaned cache and cookies and also tries reloading the page – sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t).

    Thak you,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Dora – We’ve had a few reports of this happening, but we haven’t yet been able to reproduce it. If it happens again, screenshots of what you’re seeing would be great!

    Here are instructions for how to make a screenshot: http://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot/

    You can upload it to your blog’s Media Library and I can look at it there.

  • Hi Dora,

    Additionally any answers to the following questions you could provide would help us investigate:

    1. Are you using a retina screen?
    2. What happens if you reset the zoom?
    (i.e. View > Actual Size in Chrome or View > Zoom > Reset in Firefox)
    3. What browser name and version are you using?
    4. Who is your internet service provider?
    5. What is your general geographic location?
    6. How often does the problem happen (every pageload? only sometimes)?
    7. How fast is your internet connection?
    8. Do you have any browser extensions such as AdBlocker installed?
    9. What else? Can you think of anything other details that might help track down the problem?

  • Hi eurello, thanks for the tip of how to upload screenshots. I made some, but I didn’t see any “attach files” option when I started the topic, so I thought there is no possibility to share them. I will you take you advise and put them in my media library.
    As for your questions:
    1. Sorry, I do not know what a retina screen is, so I would say no to this question :)
    2. I didn’t try the zoom reset – will try it next time when the problem occurs and will let you know.
    3. Google Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m
    4. UPC Hungary
    5. Budapest, Hungary
    6. Luckily it doesn’t happen at every pageload only sometimes and then it goes away by itself. Patience has been my only tool so far :)
    7. 120Gb
    8. I don’t have Adblocker or any other extension installed on Chrome
    9. I thought it might be in connection with the image size – but unfortunately this occurs even with very small images. I have never seen it happen in posts which only have one image, it only happens in the posts where I upload multiple images.

    Thanks again for looking into this,


  • Hi Dora – Thanks so much, that’s very helpful. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any more information about this.

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