Why do I have to pay for CSS Editing?

  • I was able to upload themes and edit them for free 3 months ago. I called GoDaddy when I thought my FTP publishing wasn’t working and they said they hadn’t heard of WordPress charging for those kinds of features either. They said the whole point of WordPress was to be a free space for developers. When did this upgrade system come into effect?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Since you appear to have a Tumblr blog, you’d be better off asking your question there.

  • @arubin09, there are two types of wordpress. This free hosting service, wordpress.COM, and wordpress.ORG, which makes and distributes the self-hosted version of wordpress that you can install on a third-party hosting service.

    With a self-hosted wordpress blog you can upload any theme you wish, and you can hack it to death if you want.

    With a blog hosted here at wordpress.COM, you cannot upload themes from off the internet. You are limited to the themes listed under appearance > themes in the dashboard. You also cannot edit or modify the underlying theme files. If you have CSS editing experience, you can edit the CSS here with the paid CSS upgrade, but that only allows you to stylize the themes here, it does not allow you to upload or edit the theme files.

  • If you are hosted at GoDaddy, you don’t have to pay. Because you’re not on WordPress.com.

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