Why did YOU switch from Blogger?

  • I recently switched from Blogger because I like the templates here better. I’m curious why others switched.

  • brand new here!
    I post photos and on blogger a lot of the templates only show the photos in a certain portion of the page. I hope to find something here that will display the photos over the whole page.

  • better templates
    better widgets

    and support. If you ask a question or report abuse the staff will answer and or act on it.

    I got fed up trying to find an email to even report issues at blogger.

  • I came here because Blogger seems kinda “not caring”. And Blogger never responded to my questions. Although, on blogger you do not need a paid upgrade to do the CSS stuff.

  • sherryhammonds Wrote:

    brand new here!
    I post photos and on blogger a lot of the templates only show the photos in a certain portion of the page. I hope to find something here that will display the photos over the whole page.

    Welocome to WP.com

  • I’m here AND at blogger because I wanted a 2nd blog, but I couldn’t figure out how to change th avator for the second one, which is for my dog. I am finding wordpress difficult. But I do like the templates. I am still learning blogger as well.

  • I also have both Blogger and WordPress but only the WordPress site shows up on a search engine, therefore may delete the Blogspot site. Also with WordPress I can cut and paste entries – haven’t managed to do that with Blogger.

  • Word press is a disgrace. I hate it. Also, every time I try to get help from wordpress.org, they never help. They HAVE to have those, “naturally” dumb people working for them. That has to be the reason why they never help me. It’s just a terrible program. I HATE word press.

  • WordPress actually does a really good job with helping people. I would definitly say that they do a better job then Blogger. I was going to use Blogger, but I decided that WordPress would be better.
    Sorry that you had a bad experience yankeesdaily.

  • wordpress is much more organized than the other companies. i just used wordpress from the start; i didn’t change anything so forth.

  • Its much much organized than blogger

  • I also joined WordPress because the Themes were better, but it is annoying that you can’t change the font. Also, if you need to host your blog independently, ISP’s already have WordPress installed so it is much easier to go commercial.

  • Been here for a long time now, after changing from elsewhere. Must say that help is always readily available in my experience – and at no cost!

  • I left Blogger because WordPress has better features, has excellent support and is better looking. There was of course a learning curve at first. WordPress has more to offer the advanced user and those who are willing to make the effort to avail themselves of the excellent Codex as well as searching the support forums for the wealth of information.

    With it’s support system and advanced features, WordPress blows Blogger out of the water.

  • I have had blogs with Blogger for 4 years. I switched to WordPress when my husband and I decided to create a photoblog together. I liked the templates or themes better at WordPress, the WP support is excellent and Blogger is terrible, I was able to get a .com at WordPress, our entries show up on the Web, and the WordPress community and showcasing of blogs is excellent as Blogger is not there. Since opening a WP blog, we’ve had more views and comments than I had ever dreamed of having at Blogger in just a short amount of time.

    The only hitch is the CSS for the templates/themes as I had some difficulty with it. The CSS is different than I am used to with Blogger or elsewhere. Try as I might, I have not had success in fixing the main body font. I do not like the font that is with this theme as the letters run together. The font stays the same no matter what I do in re-writing the CSS.

    All in all, I am very pleased with WordPress.

    sherryhammonds, I use the theme called WordPress Classic for our photoblog. That way our photos are large… 750-800 px in width taking up most of the page. The Sandbox theme is also great. As to my understanding from my questions to WordPress support, themes for photoblogs may be added. It would be great if there were themes specifically for photoblogs here at .com.

    I agree with mariemcc that WordPress blows Blogger out of the water. :)

  • i am also a new WP.com user~

  • I ditched blogger because they’re way too slow (both the blogs and the dashboard) to be accessed (at least compared to wp).

  • i love wordpress!
    it’s for free
    it looks great
    i’ve always had help from the blogging community
    support are really supportive!
    if you can’t get sorted out via the forum they do step in
    there is a contact page!
    i get the impression that they actually like us bloggers a lot!
    having 2,980,545 blogs must be quite a thing for those behind the scenes to keep a handle on
    thanks guys and gals!
    love the upgrade

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