Why did not a country of origin appear on my blog's stats early this A.M.?

  • I realize that many persons desire privacy and therefore somehow prevent their search terms” from being revealed, and I respect that, even though it inhibits my ability to see what specific one of my posts they are interested in. However, today I noted–for the first time–that the first “hit” on my stats page did not record a country. Now, that REALLY IS DISAPPOINTING!!! Is it possible that visitors’ desire for privacy has gone so fay as to block even their national origins> If so, then almost my total enjoyment from working on this blog is dissipated. O, woe is me!!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I realize that many persons desire privacy and therefore somehow prevent their search terms” from being revealed, and I respect that, even though it inhibits my ability to see what specific one of my posts they are interested in. However, today I noted–for the first time–that the first “hit” on my stats page did not record a country. Now, that REALLY IS DISAPPOINTING!!! Is it possible that visitors’ desire for privacy has gone so fay as to block even their national origins> If so, then almost my total enjoyment from working on this blog is dissipated. O, woe is me!!!

  • if you are referring to visitors from the European Union please read what Staff say here https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/getting-visitors-from-european-union?replies=7#post-2343513

  • I accept you are not responsible for what the search engine people do, Timethief; but I thought you might have some super cyber-knowledge that would give me a clue as to WHAT MIGHT BE UP. Since I recently published a slam of Netanyahu’s “diplomacy”, I was wondering if my visitor might have been the FBI, the CIA, NSA or the Israeli spy service peeking into my computer and trying to hide their activities. But perhaps it was just a computer glitch.
    BTW, I miss your face; now you’ve turned into a cartoon!!! My, O my, O my!!!

  • Hi Bob,
    I don’t have any special knowledge.
    My walking away into the ocean gravatar image is where I am at now as it’s spring and I live on an island. ;)

  • Now–at 2:32 p.m.–I have “views” in Spain (2) and Canada plus the unknown country (from 7:30 this A.M.), yet the “visitors'” stats still say “1”.
    I think there must be a glitch in the “stats” page program.
    Yours truly,

  • I don’t think so. I know that stats are cached and take hours to update. I also know that we do not have to click into your posts to view them.

    Our stats are not real time stats and take time to update. There are frequent fluctuations that most do not notice because we aren’t watching the process. For details see here http://en.support.wordpress.com/stats/ and note the views and viewers take hours to update.

    Our stats are page view stats. But please do not assume that everyone who clicks a follow, like, share, reblog or comment link actually reads the post on your blog because odds are they may not.

    Follow, like, share, reblog or comment clicks are not page views. In fact, follows, likes, shares, comments and reblogs are completely misleading when you are talking about page view stats.

    Your followers and anyone with a WordPress.com/Gravatar account who is logged into WordPress.com can “follow” your blog, “like”, “share” and “reblog” your posts and “comment” in several locations such as the Reader, without ever clicking into your blog and creating a single page view stat. Subscribers control how frequently they receive your posts (instantly, daily, weekly) and can comment without clicking into the blog.

    Logged in visitors using a mobile can read the full post without creating a page view stat. https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/wordpresscom-reader-show-full-text?replies=31#post-1373606

    You can control the length of the entry sent out on your RSS feed here Dashboard > Settings > Reading. Choose the “summary” setting for your RSS feed rather than to “full text”. That will compel followers who are not using mobiles to click into the blog to read the full post which will create a page view stat.

  • I give up. You may close this thread.
    Bob “Le Flaneur” Litton

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