Why can’t people ‘like’ my blog posts? Or follow my blog

  • People complain to me all the time- I hit ‘like’- nothing happens. I hit the sign up to follow- nothing happens. I had nearly 1700 views on one post- one ‘like’. Even My Blog followers on WordPress tell me that when they hit ‘like’ nothing happens. People try to sign up to follow- but can’t. It is frustrating- and I would really like to know why this is happening.

  • @rdmonroe5 can you send more specifics? I was able to like a post just now without any trouble.

    Is there a particular post people cannot like? Do you have trouble liking your own post? Or, is a particular user having trouble liking — and if so could they log in here and update us so we have more information?

    I have similar questions about following, given that you do have some followers, so please send more details; we’ll go from there.

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