Why can't I upgrade to WordPress Premium?

  • I am trying to upgrade so I can use VideoPress but when I click on the Get Premium link nothing happens.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Posted this 2 hours ago and still no replies. Great.

  • 4 hours now. This is the greatest “support forum” I have ever seen.

  • Over 6 hours since my original post. I think I’m going to set a record for most responses to my own post. LOL!

  • If you keep repeating the same thing will be hard for someone to help you: every time you write, your thread moves up.

    Be patient, please. You are not the one.

  • The blog I need help with is lurkerlife.com.

    One more thing: This forum is for blogs/sites hosted by WordPress.com and http://lurkerlife.com/ is not hosted by WordPress.com—> maybe this is the clue.

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and different http://support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

    And you should ask in the WordPress.org forum.

  • https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/wordpresscom-or-org-2?replies=3#post-2254739

    Please describe the problem you are encountering: credit card info? not in a country where credit cards are accepted? Bitcoin? PayPal? or something else? You will probably need staff help, but more info would be useful to move your request along.

    In your other post (linked above), you indicate that you want to set up something like a YouTube video hosting site. That would most likely not work here on WordPress.COM.

    See the user roles:
    That means, if you paid for the video upgrade, then you’d be able to post your own vids but unless you invited specific people with the required access to your site, then the general public could not post videos on your site.

    Please let us know what you are trying to do with exact info about how you’d like to go about it.

    Best wishes on your project!

  • First, thanks for the reply. Second I had no idea it was wordpress.org. Maybe when you click the link it should tell you that. Third I know I’m not THE ONE, who are you? Waiting over six hours for a reply is a little excessive, don’t you think? Since wordpress has this as the only way to get support then GIVE SUPPORT not sarcastic comments. Keep all of that garbage to yourself tough guy.

  • Please keep a polite tone with your correspondence! I’m not a “tough guy” but only a woman who volunteers to help folks with using WordPress.COM, as many of the other folks who do their best here on this forum: it is a collaboration of paid staff and volunteers who make this site useful for everyone. Please realize that no one here is being sarcastic with the advice we provide.

    As for waiting 6 hours for free help on a public forum, I offer my apologies for the delay, but might also remind you that most free forums don’t provide any response more quickly than we do here!!

  • That said, and clear skies now…

    We do not know what specific details and problems you had with trying to upgrade in order to use videopress on WordPress.com unless you tell us what you have tried. Please tell us what messages you got when you attempted to upgrade. A summary of what you did to access the upgrade would go a long way to clearing up what happened when your attempt did not work. The videopress upgrade applies only if you want to use wp.COM.

    Also, did you read my info link about uploading videos with that upgrade? If you want to make a YouTube-like site where folks can post videos, then wp.COM is not the place you want to be.

    With a self-hosted site using wp.ORG software, then the things you can do are limited only by your host’s terms of service. Here on wp.COM you would need to invite users, with the appropriate user roles, to post videos here. Please carefully read the link I provided above so you understand the restrictions.

    Here is some information about the different flavors of WordPress. Please accept my apologies if these were not clear to you before now, and accept my best wishes as well in setting up your new site.

    WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

  • Waiting over six hours for a reply is a little excessive, don’t you think?

    No. Not for WordPress.com forum queries which are fielded piecemeal by volunteers with some free time on their hands.

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