Why can't I get the cutline on "Home" page to agree with the cutline on edipage?

  • I inserted a painting at the top of my latest post, with a cutline directly beneath it. On the “editing page”, the alignment of the cutline with the painting is correct — fine. However, when I go to the “Home” page”, the cutline has been shifted to the right and part of it is not visible.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are you referring to the image caption?

  • There are two pictures in the post: one, the top one, of a covered wagon, and one at the end is a photo of the artist. My problem is with the wagon painting. I wrote the cutline. On the editing page, it fits just fine; but when I “view” the finished blog on the “Home Page”, the cutline has been shifted to the right and one cannot read the last words of each line.

    A “cutline” is journalese meaning the same thing as “caption”.

    By the way, “Time Thief”, I haven’t shared comments with you in a long time…and what did you do with your forelock?

  • I see the cutline ie. caption issue on this post https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-NRL14r8MmsE/R1IUlomfUsI/AAAAAAAAAXw/g2wTSagySbo/w672-h446-no/sml0019.jpg

    I don’t have a clue as to how to how to help you. I tagged this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe:
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    and what did you do with your forelock?

    That image dates back to 2012 when I had the Veronica Lake look. My hair is much longer now and grayer too. :)

  • There is no “subscribe to topics” link in the sidebar; however, above our messages is a line saying “You are subscribed to this topic” and offering me the option of UNsubscribing.

    Thanks for the referral to staff assistance.

    You ol’ nuisance buddy,

  • Hi, “Timethief” —
    Are you there today (Oct. 13)?
    I haven’t heard from any of the staff assistants yet. I didn’t expect to get any email yesterday, it being Sunday and I not knowing how you folks schedule your work hours. However, it is noon today, and I hoped someone would have informed me by now that they are looking into my issue with my last post.
    I noticed last night that it isn’t just the final words of the caption to my “covered wagon” picture that are missing: a sizeable fraction of the picture itself is missing, or rather shoved out of the frame, as you can see when you contrast the Home Page picture with its image on the Editing Page.
    Please let me know if the “Happiness Engineers” are aware of my situation.
    Best regards,
    Bob Litton

  • Note Staff provide support for millions and there are only slightly over 200 Staff members in total. I’m sorry but Staff have a backlog of threads tagged for their attention.They work through them in chronological order based on datestamps and timestamps by working their way forward from the earliest to the most recent, as would be expected.

    How long it takes to clear the threads and support tickets depends on how many Happiness Engineers are working on them at any given point in time. It also depends on how complex the issues in each thread and ticket are are.

    Please don’t bump your thread here again by posting into it because it’s not in your best interest to post to it again after it has been tagged for Staff help. Thread bumping moves the timestamps forward and it takes longer to get a response.

  • Hey there!

    Since the image is being loaded via URL, you don’t have as much control over the size of the image. The caption is being set to the width of the image, and both the caption and image are being cut off. But we can fix it!

    Head into the editor for that post and move to the text editor. You’ll see your image’s caption code first. There’s a section that says width=”672″. Change that to width=”550″.

    And then in the image code also. Change the width to say “550” and remove the height.

    That should fix you up!

  • Hoorayyyy!!! Thank you! Thank you! Shawna. It looks great now.
    You might inform “Timethief” of this little trick; I feel sure she would appreciate the additional knowledge.
    Bob Litton

  • Hopefully she’ll pop back around to this thread when she sees there’s a new response. :)

    This shouldn’t happen for any image you upload to your Media Library or post, just ones that are brought in via URL from other sources.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with Bob. :)

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