• I want to host an mp3 like this blog


    so that you can click on a word and it will open a new tab in my browser that plays the mp3

    i am just reaching lots of deadends (including with odeo which seems to not be allowing uploads anymore)

    and multiply which only allows me to open the file with i-tunes as a download.

  • The only answer I can offer comes from the forum search box http://wordpress.com/forums/search.php?q=mp3+open+in+new+window
    If you really feel this is an essential part of blogging for you then you could check out the bottom thread below. It’s the “please read me first before posting” (pink sticky) from the head of the forum. Maybe your needs will be better met by downloading a blog template from wordpress.org and self hosting or hiring a webhost

  • @emceegabe – I faced the same issue. I was trying to host a very small mp3 / wav clip, but was not able to find a good host that would allow to hotlink to the blog.
    What is needed is a service similar flickr or zooomr (that is for hosting photos), youtube or google video(that is for hosting videos) for hosting a Audio File and that allows hotlinking !

    Do update if u find a good host for audio files.

    Others – any suggestions (I know it is not possible here at wordpress.com and hosting my own blog is an option)

    – Sathya

  • Hi All,

    Well, I hacked my way through it and yes basically what is needed is somewhere to host the file. I am using godaddy.com to host a webpage right now so I was able to upload an MP3 file to my account. There is now a hotlink to audio on my blog and will be more in the future. i suppose they will have to of course come down as I post more but that’s life.

    Here is the code I used (pretty simple, I know):
    < a href=”http://www.gabrieljohnsondesign.com/Audio%202%20vs.%20Air.mp3″>

    which functions like this WORD

    my wordpress blog is at http://www.daftcrunk.com

    It’s definitely a work in progress. I’m using sandbox!

  • I think all you guys need a nice plugin for Music Player and host your mp3 files somewhere else so everytime you click that “play button” it plays automatically (check my Daria.be account sample) I’ve been asking for that a long time ago. So they gave us ODEO podcast with a pink fat player. However, we cannot download mp3 files (for new members I think) anymore so I stopped using the service.

    Anyways if you want to host your mp3 files, you can sign-up at http://www.filelodge.com for free. I think you can store as many as you want from there and you can use the link for your wp.com and it will play (in another browser) automatically.

  • However, we cannot download mp3 files (for new members I think) anymore so I stopped using the service.

    I tried just now and it’s still works. I have uploaded my new audio. http://odeo.com/audio/3669913/view

  • I hear nothing but bad things about GoDaddy. You should switch if you can.

  • Sweetie, if you have the MP3 you should be using Studio Odeo anyway. Works like a charm, even if you’re wasted (not that I would know anything about that!)

  • re However, we cannot download mp3 files (for new members I think) anymore so I stopped using the service:

    you can’t link to the studio directly from odeo.com anymore … the odeo studio now has its own url: http://studio.odeo.com

    From there you can sign up/sign in free as always

    Maybe this helps?

    Good Luck

  • Not implying anything, but hosting a blog with copyright mp3s for download is against the TOS and will get banned.

  • It would indeed.

    Donncha has posted for ideas on the main blog – but uploading ANY music (or indeed other copyrighted files) will get the blog nuked.
    With no hope of return.

  • Everybody’s got a Bomb
    We could all die any day
    Before I let that happen
    I’ll dance my life away!

    >>Prince (copyright 1984)

    Q: If I post a youTube of my friend’s band covering Whipping Post by the Allman Brothers…does that constitute copyright infringement?

    What if I upload my own a-Capella rendition of the Beastie Boys famous song Car Thief?

    How about Phish — a band who encouraged their fans to audio-tape their every note so long as the music was distributed for free — doing While My Guitar Gently Weeps?

    I am very curious. Any music gets the blog nuked?

    I love wordpress. Love you guys loud-like: “WordPress Is By Far The Best Free Blog Racket On The Internet!!” That’s what I say when people ask me for advice about blogging. Sometimes even when they don’t ask me…

    So I hope you’ll understand my sudden need for Clarity?


  • If you feel the need to waste some time and energy on challenging what Donncha and Mark have imparted then you could satisfy your sudden curiosity and need for clarity by hiring a lawyer. Did you know that anyone who counsels another person to break the law becomes an accomplice and can be sued? Perhaps you’d like to re-post this on your blog and invite dialogue to place there. ;)

  • Golly.

    I’m certain you misunderstand me, timethief.

    Yeah, I’m a smart-ass. But…so was Albert Einstein! Perhaps I’ve come across as unkind?

  • Unkind – heck no! *rotflmao* And now we’re competing … yep, I’m a smart ass too ;). I’m sorry … dry humour is so hard to convey in this media. Did you know this forum is public, very public and that it has a very high ranking?

  • Ah — I Get It.

    Thanks for the Heads Up.

    As for Mp3s: On rare occasions I do post a song to my blog. Of these, 2 in 3 are Grateful Dead tunes which have been in Open Source circulation, to the band’s delight, for nearly a half-century.

    The same way a friend who spins records at parties would be delighted if I made their original music available for the masses to download for free.

    My 3 questions posed earlier in the thread are genuine. As is my sense of urgency; it would stain my soul to see a mushroom cloud where my beloved blog used to be…

    For any music? I bet money there’s a hundred thousand loyal wp bloggers who are as confused by that statement as me.

  • Three points:

    1. mp3s are pretty big files
    2. wordpress.com doesn’t have any safeguards against hotlinking files stored here from other sites
    3. therefore if wordpress.com were to allow mp3s it would pretty soon become the filestore of choice for every mp3-sharing blogger out there, whether they blog here or not.

    I know this place is built to withstand large amounts of traffic, but I’m not sure it could handle bandwidth leakage on that scale.

  • “For any music? I bet money there’s a hundred thousand loyal wp bloggers who are as confused by that statement as me.”

    If it is legally distributable music that would of course be okay.

    What is not okay would be uploading anything that is copyrighted.

  • Mark: “If it is legally distributable music that would of course be okay.”

    That’s reassuring after the earlier “uploading ANY music […] will get the blog nuked.”

    So to get back to the original question of “how” — currently I’ve uploaded the mp3 to some free web space, then used studio.odeo.com to create a (free) (and pink!) player for it, and embedded that into my blog. See http://soundtradition.wordpress.com/contact-us/

    So I’ve got what I want — an mp3, embedded into my blog, that will play within the browser — but I’d like to know if there’s a less round-about way of doing it, that’s all.

  • therefore if wordpress.com were to allow mp3s it would pretty soon become the filestore of choice for every mp3-sharing blogger out there, whether they blog here or not.

    I hear it wank. WordPress is the best blog server on the web because wordpress bloggers care for our Art. It would break my heart to see the place get over-run by people who neither care for, nor contribute to, the wordpress community.

    I just happen to like Music. And have long wanted to thread the sounds that move my friends & me into a multi-modal literary experience.

    For Art’s Sake.

    Not to sit around and give someone else’s work away.

    But sometimes that means I gotta play We Are Family in the middle of a blog post! Now, I don’t foresee a thousand Disco Fiends bowling my site over to get their hands on a free copy of that particular Mp3.

    It’s an In-The-Moment thing between my readers & myself. Uploading isn’t illegal — right? Until there’s unauthorized duplication.

    Here’s an idea:

    Can we equip WP blogs with a streaming format option for music that may be copyrighted?

    I just want to see wordpress sing!

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