Why aren't my blog posts showing up on Reader?

  • When I go to Reader none of my blogs appear under the tag Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I’ve posted four times since June and NEVER has one of my posts appeared. What’s even more puzzling is that I’ve never had so many visitors and comments on these posts. My friend also has a blog (Elisse Stuart@Wordpress). She also writes about Narcissistic Personality Disorder and her posts ALWAYS appear. I’m scratching my head. What’s going on? I like to go to tags to connect with other bloggers who write on the same topic, but my own blog is nowhere to be found. >alarmed icon<
    Blog url: http://planetjan.wordpress.com/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Some bloggers are experiencing the same issue. Please read what the reasons for non-appearance are here > http://en.support.wordpress.com/topics/#missing-posts that may or may not apply to your blog. Also note if you edit and remove excessive categories/tags it will take several days for the posts to appear.

    This thread has been flagged for Staff attention.

    Note: That being said, the Topics pages have been broken for a very long time as many bloggers are continually abusing and misusing them in attempts to game system. Just 3 days ago I found that a large pack of spammers had assigned every major Topc tag to their crap. I reported all those blogs and the next day there was another pack who had done the same thing. At best in the 6 1/2 years I have been here the traffic flow from those Topics (Tags and Catgeories) pages to blogs has been neglible. It’s Google and other search engines that send a significant traffic flow to blogs.

    For WordPress.com searches please read > http://en.support.wordpress.com/wordpresscom-search/

    For Google searches use this format and replace “keyword” with whatever word you wish:
    keyword site:wordpress.com/
    example: Narcissistic Personality Disorder site:wordpress.com
    results > http://tinyurl.com/98owjlw

  • Thanks for your input. I did check the link you sent and I don’t do any of the “no no’s “(over 15 tags, etc). I’ve also been on WordPress for four years now, so I’m not new, I don’t edit and then repost and I DO write in English. My posts used to appear regularly. Now I see the same people’s post featured over and over. Still need answers. :) Jan

  • . Still need answers.

    That’s why I flagged this thread for Staff attention.

  • It seems that I am having the same problem, but what is even more puzzling, when I get the post all prepared to save to my blog, it tells me “invalid request”. I am just about ready to delete the whole thing. I have been on here about a week trying to post every day, and when I think I get it figured out… everything just disappears. I find it amazing that I have even gotten 4 posts on here.

  • @patricianney
    The invalid request issue is a different issue. You need to post into this thread for Staff help with it > https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/invalid-request-2?replies=6

  • There was a slight issue with your blog, but it should re-appear in the Reader in a day or two.

  • “Slight issue?” That just makes me wonder what the “issue” was, so this will not also be a problem in the future. Can you please elaborate? I’m not feeling the happiness yet.

  • It won’t be a problem in the future for you, just a glitch on this end.

  • I am having the same problem. I read the support pages regarding use of tags and categories, and my questions aren’t answered. I am using the tags and categories properly. My blog has been on wordpress for a few weeks now and none of my posts are showing up in the reader. Can you please give me some insight?
    Thank you very much!

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